� ![]() Age: 30 Birthdate: Unknown Eye Color: Bright green (Mako-infused) Hair Color: white/dull silver Height: 180 cm Hometown: None Blood type: Unknown Weapon of choice: Masamune Occupation: None, former SOLDIER first class. "Sephiroth, long thought dead, has seemingly returned -- but why? His origins and destiny are equally hazy." (from RPGamer.) This statement sums up a first impression of Sephiroth perfectly. Is he an ally? Is he an enemy? Sephiroth disappeared after the war (which war this refers to is never clarified), and was presumed and announced dead by SOLDIER and ShinRa. He was a famous SOLDIER first class officer, and an extremely powerful fighter and magic user. His fame influenced many men, like Cloud Strife, to try and become a SOLDIER member. His "death" was never explained. Sephiroth's past is only seen through Strife's flashbacks. It seems Sephiroth knew little of his origin until the SOLDIER mission to Nibelheim. The reactor in Nibelheim was used to produce monsters and contain Jenova. When Sephiroth saw that the reactors were producing monsters by infusing humans with too much Mako energy, he began to doubt who he was. He was also determined to find out about where he came from. It's here where he goes insane. The first sign of Sephiroth's return to "life" is when Cloud Strife & Co. find Sephiroth's sword, the Masamune, buried in President ShinRa's back. Because the Masamune is a sword designed so only Sephiroth can wield it, Strife concluded that Sephiroth wasn't dead. Strife and his friends have repeated encounters with Sephiroth throughout Final Fantasy VII. Several are direct - Sephiroth appears to them and talks to them. Others are indirect, such as finding a Midgar Zolom impaled on a large spike near the Mythril Caves. Sephiroth identifies his "mother" as Jenova. He is a genetically engineered life form, created by Professor Hojo, to be the perfect biological weapon. Hojo originally believed that Jenova, a being found frozen in the northern wastelands, was the frozen corpse of a Cetra. In actuality, Jenova was a frozen monster. It was Sephiroth's intention to capture the world for he and Jenova to rule it. Then he decided to secure the Cetra's fabled Promised Land for himself and Jenova. Sephiroth summoned Meteor to wound the Planet terribly, so that it would send all its Lifestream energy to heal itself. The final confrontation in Final Fantasy 7 is between Cloud & Co. and Sephiroth, who morphs into two monstrous beings, then finally faces Cloud alone in human form.
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