animeharem database accessed... fushigiyuugi subfolder opened... profile "Tasuki" acquired.
Name: Tasuki
Real Name: Shunu Ko
Seishi of: Suzaku
Seishi symbol: Yoku (wings)
Symbol location: Right forearm
Age: 17
Birthdate: April 18
Eye Color: red
Hair Color: orange
Height: 178 cm
Birthplace: Taito-ken, Koushuu, in Konan Country
Blood Type: B
Weapon of choice: a halisen (iron fan), Rekka Shien
Seiyuu: Hayashi Nobutoshi
Voice Actor: ?
Nickname: Genro
Kitiara's Comments:
One of my elite four-star men, Tasuki can be sexy and desirable one second, then adorable in the next. The first thing that attracted me (besides his attractiveness ^_-) was his occupation. Leader of bandits? How very interesting. That's one great thing about Fushigi Yuugi, the diversity in its characters. The Tasuki 'n' Nuriko duo is so cute, and his rivalry with Tamahome is hilarious, between Tamahome trying to throw Tasuki into bodies of water, and Tasuki embarrassing Tamahome and calling him "Monster-chan". Probably one of my favorite showdowns, in all of Fushigi Yuugi, would be Tamahome and Tasuki when Tamahome's been magicked by Nakago. Beautiful tension, beautiful fight scene, only shown up by the ensuing Tamahome/Hotohori showdown. Lastly, one of my favorite funny Tasuki scenes has to be when Miaka asks Tasuki to burn some of her hair. "REKKA... shien!"
Aleksa's Comments:
Rekka Shien! - A .wav file of Tasuki's fire attack
Tasuki, Tamahome, and Hotohori - in modern clothes
Tasuki image - looking menacing
Tasuki image - wearing a cape and...
Chibi Tasuki - kawaii!
Tasuki and Koji - I still think Koji looks like Tamahome with a scar...
Tasuki image - in bandages, holding red flowers
Tasuki image - in front of cherry blossoms
Tasuki No Miko's Fushigi Yuugi Page - An exceptional page with an extensive Tasuki shrine
The Drooling Tasuki Fanclub - Self explanatory. ^_^
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