Welcome to the Anime Harem! We are the proprietors of this fine establishment: Kitiara and Aleksa. In this area you can find some of the most attractive male anime and manga characters ever created. To begin your journey, please access our user-friendly database to make your search for these men a bit easier. The database contains a listing of all the members of the harem, and links to availible profiles. Please visit this Credit page either now or when you finish your journey, so you can find out who the Harem owes a lot of its existence to. The Anime Harem currently consists of 210 male anime and manga characters from a variety of genres and series. We always accept new nominations into the harem, so if you know of a male anime or manga character that is not in our database, please notify either Kitiara or Aleksa with the nominee's name and where they came from. We have only a few guidelines for Harem nominations. Please go here and read them before sending us a nomination. Each man in the harem has (or will have) their own profile in the harem's database. Each profile contains stats, some information about the harem member, extra goodies (like MIDIs, links, and pictures), and comments about the member by Kitiara and Aleksa. If you disagree with either's opinions, or would like to say something else about the character, send your comments to Kitiara or Aleksa, with the man's name in the subject header. With your permission, they will be added to the profile. See the rating system of the Harem here. The Harem's list originated on the Ronin Warriors Mailing List. If you're a fan of the anime series "Ronin Warriors" or "Yoroiden Samurai Troopers", click here to subscribe. The harem's front page background came from Candycane Wine Designs. Each profile's background is creditted at the bottom of it. Several people contributed to the Harem by giving us help with some profiles. Those people are specifically creditted on each profile they helped with.
If you would like to add your link here, contact Kitiara or Aleksa.
![]() I got it for free at http://come.to
This page's background provided by: All anime or manga series', their characters, and any images or music relating to their characters are © their respective owners. No copyright infringement intended. |