animeharem database accessed... roninwarriors subfolder opened... profile "Daius" acquired.

Name: Daius
Original (Samurai Troopers) Name: Rajura
Real Name: Kuroda Jirougorou
Age: 440 (physically: early twenties)
Birthdate: September 19, 1549
Eye Color: blue
Hair Color: silver-white
Height: 5'9"
Hometown: around Kanto
Blood Type: B
Weapon of choice: scythes, nunchucka, morning star
Seiyuu: Kosugi Juurouta
Voice Actor:
Name discrepancies: Dais, Dayus


Kitiara's Comments:
*sigh* Daius has got what other crappy illusionists (like David Copperfield ^_~) are missing. He doesn't even need to useless dancers in skimpy clothing.

Aleksa's Comments:


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Infinite Fish

The Anime Harem is � 1999 Kitiara Hashiba and Aleksa.