animeharem database accessed... roninwarriors subfolder opened... profile "Rowen Hashiba" acquired.
Name: Rowen Hashiba
Original (Samurai Troopers) Name: Toma Hashiba
Age: 16 (US TV series), 14 (Japanese TV series)
Birthdate: October 10
Eye Color: blue
Hair Color: acid blue
Height: 165 cm
Hometown: Osaka Fu
Blood Type: AB
Weapon of choice: hankyu, or bow and arrows
Armor: Strata (RW), Tenku (YST)
Virtue: Life Force (RW), Chi [wisdom] (YST)
Seiyuu: Takemura Hiroshi
Voice Actor: Ward Perry
Name discrepancies: Rowin, Rowan, Roin�
Kitiara's Comments:
One of my elite four-star men, I can honestly say that Rowin is the first anime guy I ever drooled over. I think I first saw "Ronin Warriors" back in fourth grade, starting with the episode just after Sage, Sai, and Kento were captured. That left me learning all about Ryo's and Rowin's characters, interspersed with some Mia (ew.) and Yuli (devil-spawn.). After instantly disliking the self-pity poster child (a.k.a. Ryo), Rowin was incredibly appealing. Then again, I was in fourth grade. Anyone with blue hair was cool to me then. After rediscovering the Ronin Warriors series a few years ago in eighth grade, I started with almost the same episode, and fell in love with Rowin's cunning, his voice, his intellect, and his to die for looks. Now, when I watch so many different anime series, Rowin is still one of the best.
Aleksa's Comments:
Could he be any hotter, people?? Yes, I'll admit that I'm still fairly new to the whole anime adventure, but as far as my grasp has reached, Rowen is my all-time favorite character. I don't even know if I can articulate myself to do him justice... As if the hair wasn't enough to fall in love with, he's cool, collected, intelligent, I have to go on? His character is well thought out, his voice is totally sexy, and the wide world of fanfiction has expanded his character into godhood, IMSHO. Not to mention that he's one of the few characters I've written - not of my own creation - that can be both a psychotic-but-adorable sugar addict or an angst-ridden warrior without anyone questioning the clarity of his character whatsoever. Unless I'm missing something? Anyway, not only is his personality enough to make many fall head-over-heels in love, but he's as kawaii as they come! I could go on, but do I really have to? ^_^
Armor of Strata! - a .wav file of Rowin's henshin phrase
Arrow Shock Wave! - a .wav file of Rowin's sure-kill
Collage - a teenage Rowin, plus two young Rowins sleeping and studying (kawaii!)
Holding his yoroi crystal - a nice profile
Rowin image - looking thoughtful
Final TV episode screencap - catching a baseball
Rowin image - smiling, sans bandanna.
Rowin close-up - smiling, armored up
Rowin image - armored up, fighting
Rowin image - in his subarmor and looking thoughtful
OAV screencap - looking serious
OAV screencap - Rowin looking pensive
OAV screencap - a very nice profile
OAV screencap - always thoughtful
OAV screencap - laid back
Do you know of any sound clips of Takemura-san as Toma, or a website dedicated to Rowin? If so, e-mail Kitiara or Aleksa.
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The Anime Harem is (c) 1999 Kitiara Hashiba and Aleksa.