animeharem database accessed... roninwarriors subfolder opened... profile "Sai Mori" acquired.
Name: Sai Mori
Original (Samurai Troopers) Name: Shin Mori
Age: 16 (US TV series), 15 (Japanese TV series)
Birthdate: March 14
Eye Color: blue-green
Hair Color: reddish brown
Height: 164 cm
Hometown: Yamaguchi
Blood Type: A
Weapon of choice: yari
Armor: Torrent (RW), Suiko (YST)
Virtue: Trust (RW), Shin [trust] (YST)
Seiyuu: Sasaki Nozomu
Voice Actor: Michael Donovan
Name discrepancies: Cye�
Kitiara's Comments:

Lookit 'im. He's adorable. Very very kawaii. He also has his moments of silliness (funny how those moments usually occur when Kento's around...) and extreme hotness (as in the profile picture above). You can write Sai many different ways, because of the many facets of his personality... I don't understand how so many people can say that Sai had no personality in the Ronin Warriors series. I mean, at one point, he was even cruel! "Can't we go on without him" my foot! So, he gets three stars. Plus five million for that British accent Michael Donovan gives him. ^_^
Aleksa's Comments:
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